B’chol dor vador chayavadam lirot et atzmo keilu hu yatzah m’Mitzrayim.” T he s tory o f Y etzias M itzrayim came to life at Gan Chamesh Chabad’s Early Childhood Center.
In an elaborate, realistic dramatization, children experienced the process of going from slavery to geulah in a hands-on and age-appropriate way. Using costumes, scenery, and props, the children were transported to Mitzrayim to “experience” the hard labor of the Jews under Paroah’s reign. They honed their engineering skills as they built all kinds of pyramids and buildings using a variety of materials. The teachers took on the roles of Moshe and Paroah and helped the story unfold. It was truly a sight to behold as the children finally left Mitzrayim and reached the “Yam Suf.” The young students were able to visualize the waters splitting in half and feel the euphoria of crossing on the dry land.
Young children learn best through role playing and dramatization enables them to gain a deeper
understanding of the world around them. The Yetzias Mitzrayim experience helped the children internalize the meaningful messages of Pesach so they will come to the seder with a strong sense of gratitude, excitement and pride.
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