Dear HALB Parents,
As COVID infection rates rise in our community, we are trying to do everything possible to remain open for in-person instruction for students in all grades. In general, our infection rates at HALB have been very low, and we are finding that the steps we have taken to reduce the spread of infection are working well.
The upcoming Sukkot holidays present a challenge to us all. As families get together and celebrate the chagim in shul or in their sukkot, there is a greater likelihood of increased spread of COVID. As our priority is the health and safety of the HALB family, we want to take extra precautions to maintain a COVID-free environment upon our return to school.
Towards that end we are implementing the following schedule after the Sukkot break:
- Students in grades 6-12 will attend their classes on Zoom beginning Monday, October 12th through Tuesday, October 20th. We will IY”H return to in-person instruction on Wednesday, October 21st. Zoom schedules will be available before Sukkot. Your children will have a complete schedule of classes during the days they will be at home.
- Students in preschool – 5th grade will resume regular in-person instruction on Monday, October 12th. The risk for transmission in younger ages is low, and we are confident that our cohort model in grades 1-4 and barriers in grade 5 are sufficient to limit exposure to Covid19.
- We are also requiring that all students and staff in grades 6-12 be tested for COVID 19 before they return to school. Testing must be done on or after Thursday, October 15th. Tests done before that date are not acceptable. Waiting a few days after Simchat Torah before testing will allow us to detect a greater percentage of infections that occurred over Yom Tov.
Testing can be done with your own pediatrician or through Rapid Response Care.
Rapid Response Care testing will be performed via drive through testing sites at both the DRS and SKA parking lots. Drive through times will be on Thursday, October 15th from 10am – 8pm and Friday, October 16th from 9am – 1pm. We anticipate having results back by Tuesday, October 20th. (Class time missed due to your scheduled Covid test will be excused). Please register at: www.rapidresponsecare.com and follow the link for “School COVID Swab”. These results will be sent directly to the school division your child attends.
If your child is tested at your pediatrician or any other lab, please be sure that a PCR nasopharyngeal swab is used and please submit the results to your school nurse:
HALB – Devorah Pechman – dpechman@halb.org
SKA – Joan Sherman – jsherman@skahalb.org
DRS – Susan Sperber – ssperber@drshalb.org
Over Chol Hamoed and the following week we will once again do a deep cleaning of all of our buildings. We are continuing to take all steps to make sure that we are doing everything possible to continue with in-person instruction and keeping our students and faculty safe.
Best wishes for a Chag Sameach!
Mitch Kirschner, Co-President
Nathaniel Rogoff, Co-President
Lance Hirt, Chairman of the Board
Richard Altabe, Chairman Re-opening Committee
Richard Hagler, Executive Director
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