Hevron Came to You on Shabbat Chayei Sarah 2020

November 19, 2020 12:58 pm
November 19, 2020 12:58 pmLeave your thoughts

Every year, Jews from all over the world arrive in Hevron to celebrate Shabbat Chayei Sarah together.  On this Shabbat, we read Parshat Chayei Sarah, in which the purchase of Mearat HaMachpelah by Avraham Avinu is told. 

The acquisition of Mearat HaMachpelah is the most famous real estate purchase in the history of mankind.  It is of far-reaching significance as it represents the first purchase of land by Jews in Eretz Yisrael.

As a token of gratitude and appreciation, the management of Yeshiva Shavei Hevron invites its loyal friends and supporters to spend Shabbat Chayei Sarah with the students in Hevron every year. The guests, arriving from all over the world, enjoy excellent hospitality and the unique atmosphere of Shabbat Chayei Sarah in Hevron, in general, and at the yeshiva, in particular.

The entire hospitality project is executed by the students of the yeshiva:  they leave their dorm rooms to make them available for the many guests, handle the logistics, kitchen procedures, dining room services, sanitation and more.

Yeshiva Shavei Hevron is located at the heart of the Jewish quarter; its home is the Romano Estate, the most prominent property of the Jewish community of Hevron in the past 150 years.

Founded in 1982 with only 10 students, the Yeshiva has become one of the leading Dati-Leumi Yeshivot in Israel today. Presently, it has a student body of 350. Three-thousand graduates have passed through its doors over the years. Its educational approach is to inspire in-depth Torah Learning, love of Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael, loyalty to the State of Israel, and meaningful service in the IDF. Additionally, students are taught to view themselves as emissaries for the sake of Am Yisrael and encouraged to exhibit Mesirut Nefesh.

This year, there would be no preparations for guests at Yeshiva for Shabbat Chayei Sarah.  COVID-19 dictated that no one would be able to come to Hevron.  It made everybody quite sad: the management of the Yeshiva, the students and – more than anyone – the friends and supporters who would not be able to visit Hevron this year.

The management of the Yeshiva and a small group of devoted supporters from the United States decided to bring Hevron and Mearat HaMachpelah into Jewish homes around the world through a live broadcast last week.  The live broadcast was the highlight of a 36-hour fundraising campaign that was guided by the slogan: Hevron Is Coming To You!  The aim was to bring a taste of the special atmosphere of Shabbat Chayei Sarah in Hevron to all those longing to experience it.

The campaign was needed in order to cover the decline in income from donations that the Yeshiva suffered due to the coronavirus.  

The campaign went smoothly and ended successfully thanks to the dedication of loyal friends and supporters, who joined in the effort and volunteered to become team leaders. They reached out to friends and family and encouraged them to make donations.

The live broadcast was hosted by Nachum Segal, a dear friend of Hevron.  His professionalism and enthusiasm, combined with interesting stories and interviews, inspired the viewers.

Special permission was attained for entrance to Ulam Yitzchak in Mearat HaMachpela in order to hold special prayers in the middle of the night.  The Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Hananel Etrog, offered three tefillot:  for safety and peace in Israel, for the safety of the soldiers of the IDF, and for good health and peace throughout the world. The broadcast then moved from Mearat HaMachpela to Yeshiva Shavei Hevron, where the students danced cheerfully to the music of Shlomo Katz. 

Thousands around the world watched the live broadcast and reacted emotionally and joined the dancing of the students of Yeshiva Shavei Hevron in their living rooms.  Hundreds of warm-hearted Torah-loving Jews opened their hearts and donated generously.

No one visited Hevron this year for Shabbat Chayei Sarah.  However, through the broadcast, we were all together. Hevron came to you!

The campaign and the live broadcast taught us that thousands of Jews throughout the world are strongly connected to Hevron, Mearat HaMachpelah and Yeshiva Shavei Hevron.

The campaign created an even stronger bond between those who are here as emissaries in Hevron and those who are living abroad.  The experience reinforced the recognition of the students of the importance of being messengers for Am Yisrael in Hevron.  They carry on the legacy of our Avot through their Torah Learning and learn on behalf of Am Yisrael throughout the world.  Those who live abroad experienced a deepening of their bond to Hevron and an increased recognition of their responsibility to provide the tools, support and means to allow for the continued spread of Torah from the City of Our Forefathers, Hevron. 

Next year, in Hevron!

For further information about Yeshiva Shavei Hevron, contact:

Sherry at sherry@shaveihevron.org; 972-528993267

To donate, go to: https://shaveihevron.org/en/donation/

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